Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Glass Blockwork Method Statement

Preparation of Work, Materials and Components:

i) When the materials and components are distributed to the work area, ensure that the structure is not overloaded.

ii) Plan for scaffolding material required for work at heights. Plan for additional manpower for lifting blocks at heights.

iii) Set out anticipating the position of openings etc. in the work above to avoid adjustment of units leading to incorrect or uneven bonding.

Preparation of Mortar Mixes:

i) Mortar shall be mixed by machine except for small quantities only. Hand mixing (if permitted) may be done on a watertight platform.

ii) When mixed at site, batch boxes shall be used to ensure correct and consistent mix proportions.

iii) Use mortars (other than retarded mortars) within 2 hours of mixing or as specified.

Building walls:

i) Build work within permissible deviations as specified.

ii) Unless otherwise specified/permitted, lay blocks on a full bed of mortar and fill all joints. Place reinforcement as detailed in position, use spaces as necessary to keep courses levelled and perpend vertically aligned. Plumb quoins and all faces as the work proceeds. It is preferable to align vertically every fifth or sixth perpend and `even out’ the size of intermediate joints. Try to keep horizontal joints of uniform thickness.

iii) Do not carry one course more than the height specified in the contract specifications.

iv) Where pointing is specified rake out joints as work proceeds. The mortar used for the pointing should be mixed as detailed in the specification.

v) All work shall be bonded to adjacent structures by means of stainless steel cramps at specified spacing unless specified otherwise.

vi) All glass blocks must be cleaned down as work proceeds.



Download Glass Blockwork Method Statement in word format:CONTROL OF GLASS BLOCKWORK

Glass Blockwork Method Statement

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